Saturday, 20 August 2016

I blame Peppa Pig

Today we decided after a bad night with Hollie (up for a few hours at midnight) we would make sure we burnt off some of that energy she had burning inside of her.
So we went to Dinton Parstures in Wokingham for a running around, making sure Hollie wore her wellies as its been raining. First we sat in the cafe and had lunch and Hollie had a cheese sandwich, some cheese pieces, yogurt, grapes and a few crisps. Myself and James had a fry up, yummy! 
Waiting for Lunch.

After lunch we went along to go and visit the ducks and look for Puddles for Hollie  to go Jumping into. It didn't take too long to find a small puddle and Hollie loved it. 
After seeing the ducks and playing in the park and myself going down the slide with Hollie we went to go home. Just leaving the park and Hollie spotted a big muddy puddle and wasted no time in jumping in. The pure joy on her face was worth it even though she did fall over into the puddle and is having to quickly walk to the car as it just started raining and had to get Hollie into clean dry clothes. 
If you can't jump in muddy puddles when you are 19 months old when can you? 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Leaving you for the first time 13th August 2016

I had been dreading this weekend for a while, it sounds silly really as I'm sure there will be a time where I won't think twice about it. On Saturday myself and James was invited to a wedding and due to numbers Hollie wasn't invited and that's fine but that meant it would be the first time leaving Hollie with someone that wasn't myself or James for the day. 
Hollie was going to spend the day with my cousin Suzi (Hollie's Aunty Suzi) so I knew she was going to be fine and have a lovely time, I just couldn't get rid of this anxious feeling I think with leaving Hollie and going to a wedding while trying to deal with my social anxiety just put me more on edge. 

The day arrived and Hollie went off with no worries it may have helped that Suzi got Hollie some milky buttons for when they set off, I think I could have done with some too! I felt myself welling up but then remembered that we had ten minutes before we had to go and James wasn't ready so I got my bossy head on and ordered James to sort himself out and that helped with distraction. 
They were times in the day where I would wonder how she was as we didn't have any signal at the venue so wasn't getting messages until a bit later. 
It was a lovely day watching our friends get married with other friends there too. 
We left just after 7pm to go and pick Hollie up from Suzi's I had also started to get a Migraine so was in need of some strong tablets! 
We arrived at Suzi's and Hollie was full of beans and had a lovely day, she had even made herself at home and wanted to show us around Suzi's House. 

Suzi had taken her to The living rainforest, for a walk around her village and they played in the garden. Hollie ate really well and had been bathed and in her Pjs when we arrived. 
Seeing how happy Hollie was has reassured me so much and has made me realised I don't need to worry in future for if we want to leave her with someone for a few hours or the day. 

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Massive catch up!

Well tomorrow Hollie you turn 19 months old and I haven't updated this blog since January where I did a catch up post about you turning one! I don't even have any excuses for not writing. I'm going to try and do a quick catch up now and will make sure I start documenting more again. 

Hollie you are well and truly a toddler, always on the go and losing interest in any kind of activity unless it involves you being outdoors at the park. You love being on swings and I'm pretty sure you would stay on them all day, it's a good job we have one in the garden. That all being said you do like to play with your puzzles that you seemed to mastered that pretty quickly also doing a bit of colouring, even if doing a little bit of colour on each page of your colouring book. 

Let's get onto your obsession with Ducks, you have so many plastic toy ducks that you do love to play with. Recently you have been lining them up on the stairs with a red duck always having to be on the top step on its own. We take you along to see the ducks at South Hill park quite a bit and feed them. 
Notice the Duck top too? You get so excited when I put this top on you! 

You now have 14 teeth, the latest 2 teeth appearing in the last couple of weeks, both your right top & bottom canine teeth. 
They have caused you a little trouble the normal dribbling, hands in your mouth, chewing, but you have also not been eating as much or not wanting your food and that's not like you, you love food and normally want to eat constantly. 
Going onto food you are normally a great eater but as of late and I'd say before the teeth coming through you have started to go off your veg and other foods, well actually I shouldn't say go off you pick and choose if you want to eat certain foods so we need to learn and discover new foods again. You love dippy (tomato ketchup) I made the mistake of giving it to you one too many times now you love it and pretty much would like it on every evening meal. The mess you make is quite something, I remove any top you maybe wearing in fear of it being smothered. 

Sleep- Sleep has always been hit and miss you have gone through times where you have slept through the night, other times you have kept us up for many of hours in the early hours every night. We stopped giving you a 10/11pm bottle around 14/15 months. You started to sleep much better after a Holiday we took in France, we came back and you would be in bed for 7 and you would settle by 8ish after reading a book or babbling away. I would change your nappy when I went to bed I would offer you a bit of water and you would sleep anywhere between 5 & 8 the earlier you woke we would give you a bottle and you would settle back off and this is the same routine now sometimes if you are having a bad night you might get in our bed and pretty much take all my space so I'm on the edge but I don't mind because secretly I love having you in our bed. 

You say a few words mama, dada, narna, up, go go go, aww, dizzy dizzy, hi, hiya. You makes sounds that I've learnt to know what you want, you very much express what you want or how you feel by you facial expressions and you love to shake your head to say no. You also have  lovely temper tantrums when you get frustrated or are told NO a word you hate hearing. 

It's so hard to know what to write down right now as its been so long and you have developed so so much! 

You very much understand a lot of what we say or ask. You know where a lot of your body parts are and have done for a few months and happily point these out either on yourself or us. 

If I was to sum you up I would have to say you are a crazy, smiley & sensitive little pickle. 

Loves: Water, as in you like to pour water on the floor outside and splash in it before sitting down in it.
Ducks, outdoors, watering the plants, Peppa pig, twirly woos, bubbles, books, puzzles, emptying the draw of your plates/bowls, food, agoo, cars, YouTube kids and colouring. 

think I will leave it here for now but will make sure I come back and update about your Holiday to France where you loved going into the sea and saw lots of animals at the Zoo. 

Keep smiling pickle xx 
I'm editing this in bed I feel I haven't even touched upon all the cuddles and kisses you now give. Sometimes while I'm standing doing the washing up you come along and just hug my legs and say Aww, I love this. We also have plenty of cuddles on the sofa as you have now reached a point where you are happy to watch a programme and sit still. If you give me or daddy a kiss you make sure you give the other one too. 
You also love to brush your teeth something that seems to now be a fun thing for you to do and your happy for us to take over after you have done a little. 
You wave night night to baby Hollie (a photo of you as a baby on the wall). 
Oh thinking about your little wave it's so cute. 

You love when Daddy comes home from work you always wait by the front door and when he comes in you do a little dance, the daddy dance. 

Bath times went a bit funny with you massively disliking having your hair washed and hating going in the bath, I think we have now turned a corner and made it fun and enjoyable, you have even started to wash yourself! 

You also have a habit of throwing yourself into the floor when you get excited put in the garden or in the lounge I always fear you will hurt yourself but you just get up and laugh. 

Oh Hollie I really regret not keeping this up and not documenting all the little bits. I'm so sorry. Xx