This post comes a little bit delayed, I've not been very well this last week I've been suffering with a cough/cold so I have been keeping warm with Blankets and plenty of chicken noodle soup. I'm feeling a lot better today than I have been but just have the back end of it all, feeling exhausted.
I seem to now be experiencing late pregnancy symptoms, with constant cramp like feelings and lower back pain, so I'm guessing my body is just getting ready.
This week I went to see the midwife on Wednesday, all was fine my bump was measuring perfect for 36 weeks and Baby Green is apparently at the brim of engaging. Her heartbeat was just like a galloping horse, funny enough when my tummy was being measured Baby Green had her Bum poking right up again, a habit of hers.
We went out for James's Birthday this week with some friends which was lovely and great to see everyone, we had a lovely time.
The Nursery is very much nearly completed, we have a few things to hang up on the walls and James needs to finish off the changing unit (sand it down and paint) and then it is done.
I find myself just sitting in the Nursery many times a day imagining how life is going to be in a matter of weeks, I don't think it will be anything like I'm imagining I'm guessing it will be a lot more hectic and we will be a lot more tired.
James received a very special card this week!
36 week Bump Pictures