Wednesday, 26 August 2015

We have a 2nd tooth

Hollie's 2nd tooth has come through, it's the top right tooth. I was shocked to see it come through as I was sure the next tooth would be the other bottom one as that looks like it's ready to cut, has done for quite a while so I'm sure it will appear soon. 
This tooth has caused a lot of distress specially at meals times, but either a little bit of teething gel or calpol has done the trick. It's horrible seeing her pain as I know there isn't too much I can do. She loves brushing her teeth it's so cute to see. 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

25 weeks old..

*Edited to say published late as it never posted*
Hollie is now 25 weeks old, so close to being half a year old. I've been dreading the 6 month mark, as I know a lot of changes happen around this time. we are currently starting our weaning Journey and also have planned for Hollie to go into her own room when we move, these things remind me my baby isn't a tiny baby anymore. 
Today Hollie has tried, red pepper, broccoli and mash for the first time.. 
For Breakfast Hollie had Porridge and Banana, lunch was toast and a bit of red pepper while dinner was mash, broccoli and carrot followed by a watermelon and strawberry Fruitsicle. 
Hollie had a little play in the garden before it became too hot, looking the park in her sun hat! 
We tried going in the paddling pool too but that was a bit of a fail and she didn't like it at all, I was hoping she would see it just like a bath but we will keep trying.

New home, New Room

So we have moved and finally settled into our new family home, about from a few boxes I think we are done. 

Hollie you have been sleeping in your own room for over two weeks now, we have had a few bad nights with you being up at 2,4,5 & 6am but I think we have come through it now and you are sleeping through the night again like you did when you were in our room at the old house. I miss having you next to the bed terribly and can often lay awake a little longer than I probably should do watching the monitor, watching you move from one end of the cot to the other in your sleep and listening to all the cute sweet noises you make. How I wish I could just lay next to you and hold your hand as you sleep but I know it's for the best to continue having you in your own room as you are ready. 

Talking about Noises you have started to babble a lot more and you are really trying to talk, you like to try and join in when I Sing 'if your Happy and you know it' you also trying joining in with clapping too but tend to blink instead. You are really learning how loud you can scream and seem very please with yourself that you continue as sweet as it its its not very kind on the ears. 

You are as mad as a hatter, you have started to pull a really cheesy/cheeky face and love it when people laugh at you that you continue to do it. Peek a boo is one of your favourite games to play, you giggle away from the start knowing what's coming your laughter really is infectious too. 

One thing we have had to do is get a stairgate as you learnt to climb the stairs within a few days of us moving in. 

We have noticed you seem to be cutting your 2nd lower tooth and also your first upper tooth, we have had a few meltdowns because they have hurt you but nothing a little bit of calpol and hugs can't handle. 

Your really are growing & changing so much weekly that sometimes it's hard to remember what new tricks you have learnt. 

I keep coming back remembering things you haven't to do and 1 thing I'm shocked I forgot about is you give kisses, I love getting this kisses it's just amazing. 

I love you with all my heart sweet baby girl of mine xxx 

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Busy week

It's nearly moving day, so this week has been a little stressful on my behalf as I like things to be organised and done and felt they weren't. I think we are pretty much done now and sorting some things last night, thank goodness as we move tomorrow! Just a few last minute things to sort in the morning and away we go. 

Hollie turned 7 months this week, and she seems to be super active now she can crawl and pull herself up everything but with all the boxes around this is a nightmare as you can imagine. We have also noticed that she is being more vocal, we try to encourage dada or mama but she just laughs at us so we must look or sound silly while doing this. 

Tonight is the last night she will sleep in our room as she moves into her new room tomorrow. This is something that I know she is ready for but me on the other hand not so, I think it's just another step in accepting that she is growing up a little bit more. I love watching her while she sleeps or putting my hand through the bars where she grabs my finger and tightly grips it with her little hands, I love listening to her sleep the little noises that she makes. There is something about watching your baby sleep peacefully,, it's something I certainly have cherished. 
The day you were born, all my dreams came true.