Saturday, 29 November 2014

Baby Shower

On Sunday 23rd November I had my Baby Shower that my cousin Suzi had arranged, all I knew was the date and time to be there for.
I was picked up by a friend (Cassy) on Sunday and we went over to Suzi's as we pulled up I could see a beautiful banner outside with balloons, as we got up to the door I saw my friends Hannah and Paula. I knocked on the door and Suzi opened the door and I spotted Evelina. Suzi said come on in and as I got in I spotted my friends Gemma and Tasha from back home and a little while later Gem arrived too! It was such a lovely surprise to see that they had come down!
We all chatted for a while before we played a game of guess how big my bump is, how I'm still talking to a few of them is beyond me with how big they were guessing. Suzi won with the closest.

Suzi had done some party food for us all to tuck into followed by some little cakes (that I had to pass on at the time).
After some more chatting we had to guess how much milk was in a glass in ounces, we all guessed around 4/5  apart from Gem who guessed 6 and the result was 7 we were all quite shocked at how little we thought was in the glass.
After this I opened all the lovely gifts from everyone and Baby Green was very much spoilt and I'm sure she will thank everyone with hugs when she is here. 

we also played pin the dummy on the baby with stickers.

I had such a fantastic day, Thank you to Suzi for organising it and Thank you to everyone who came.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Diabetes appointment

Today I went for my diabetes check up appointment at the hospital, seeing a variety of different people. They checked my weight, took my bloods and blood pressure. I also had a scan and was told she looked very well and healthy with long legs and weighing approximately 5lbs 8oz which is a really good weight for her now. 
They were really pleased with the way I'm controlling my diabetes with my diet, my numbers are great and this has all payed off with Baby Green. Last time I was scanned Baby Green's tummy was slightly larger than it should be, but now her tummy is in proportion with the rest of her body showing what I'm doing is helping equalling a very happy Mummy & Daddy! 

Friday, 21 November 2014

33 weeks

How are we here? The weeks really have flown by, 7 weeks till our due date. Knowing our little baby girl will here so soon makes me so excited for our next chapter in life. I'm sure there will be many of challenges and adjustments in the months following her arrival, but will be worth it I'm sure.
People keep asking if we have a name and the answer to that is yes, but we will share once Baby Green is here. We have had the name since a few weeks before finding out we were having a girl, over the years we have discussed names but never agreed so when we found this name and we both loved it and we just felt it was right. 

This week has been a week for sorting and really tidying the house, we did a big clear out in our bedroom, I've been cleaning and moving things about in the kitchen, just have a few more cupboards to do that I need James's help with then we are pretty much done on the house sorting front.
I wouldn't say I've had the nesting cleaning bug, I just want the house to be free of any clutter and just a bit more organised.

I really jinxed myself last week with saying how great I had been sleeping, I've really been struggling to get to sleep and then staying up for many hours too. 
I'm also convinced Baby Green has changed position slightly as I feel like I have a foot or something in my ribs and I've done the bouncing and rocking on my ball but no budging.

This Sunday I have my Baby Shower, I have no clue what is going on so will update in my next blog post.
Next week I have my diabetes check at the hospital again so that will be a lovely 2 hours or so, but at least we will get to see Baby Green again. I then have my Midwife appointment on the Wednesday for my 34 week appointment, so I'm hoping to go in with some questions.

This week we received these beautiful knits from my Auntie, they are so lovely and makes me wish I could knit as I have seen some lovely things I would like. I'm trying to find some patterns for a few things as my mum can knit.

This weeks Bump picture:

Thursday, 13 November 2014

32 weeks

How far along are you?
32 weeks

How are you sleeping at night?
Honestly I'm sleeping the best I've ever slept in this pregnancy, in fact in years!

 Any Baby purchases this week?
No none this week, but our wet bag arrived that we ordered a few weeks ago. Also my mum & step dad got us a Poddlepod for Baby Green.

Best moment regarding Baby this week?
I would say there isn't just one moment, but she has been moving alot and seeing all the different shapes sticking out of my bump has been amazing to see.

Any food cravings?
I'm laughing as there has been many and many I can't have. I have seen the Costa have now got their festive menu out and I love nothing more than their Gingerbread muffins! 
As I cant have them, maybe one here or there, I'm going to make some Diabetic Gingerbread so I can enjoy some of the festiveness too.

How's Mummy?
I'm ok, I've been suffering with backache so feel I've been restricted in what I can do but try and do a few things a days otherwise I feel I'm being too lazy and I'm wanting to try and keep on top of things so things don't seem to much of a big job!
I've had a few days where I have been feeling emotional but this can be over anything or like most times nothing.
 I've also for the first time mentioned I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over, I automatically felt bad and guilty. I'm really excited for Baby Green to be here, so that combined with the back pain makes me want the birth of Baby Green to be sooner.

What are you looking forward to this week?
We don't have any appointments or plans this week, so I'm looking forward to spending time with James as it won't just be the two of us from next year so want to make the most it!

Our Baby in veggie/fruit terms
Florida Pomelo

Bump Pic


Saturday, 8 November 2014


I'm now into single figure weeks till my due date now... less than 9 weeks to go till Baby Green will be here. Eeek!!!

We are now into November and the weather has changed to being that bit more chilly, meaning winter is on its way. I've even noticed the change considering I've been feeling quite hot so far in my pregnancy.

Following on from the last post I'm finding I'm able to eat more foods I like and prefer so feeling much better about it all, we treated ourselves to a take out pizza and wedges and my numbers were low so I know every now and then I can have that which is great as its a perfect comfort food and we all need that in our lives pregnant or not!
I've been sleeping really well these last few nights which is fantastic, but I've been waking up with really achy back and hips. So James ordered me a birthing ball (85cm as this is whats recommended) and a 9ft long pillow to help support me at night I'm really looking forward to that coming.
I can just about touch the floor with this.

I saw the Gp on Wednesday for my 31 week appointment, everything went well. When she went to measure my tummy Baby Green was sticking her bottom right out and then she wriggled away. When it came to checking the heartbeat the Gp struggled to get it due to Baby Green's position being in the optimal position, Eventually she managed to get it and said heartbeat was nice and strong.

We have not done that much this week, after our appointment on Monday we popped into Mammas and Pappas and got a baby bath seat following that we went out for a meal in Wokingham at Cote. 
I've been ironing Baby Green's clothes and put them away ready for when she comes along, with this done I've managed to pack her hospital bag.
This includes:
  • Various sizes of body suits long and short
  • Various sizes of sleep suits
  • 2x hats
  • 2x mittens
  • Socks
  • 2x cardigans
  • 1 pack of newborn nappies
  • 2x Aptamil Ready to feed first infant milk from birth  
  • Cotton wool
  • Pack of water wipes 
  • 2x blankets
  • 1 comfort teddy
  • 2x fluffy suits
  • Soothers
 So lots of rest and getting stuck into a book has been something I've really enjoyed doing this week as I haven't got lost in a book for a while.

So It's been a while so here is a little update..

So this past week has been all about food, but unfortunately I wasn't happy with food I even cried over food (yes I'll admit it I cried).
As I found out I have gestational diabetes last week it meant I had to change my diet a little bit, but I had no idea what I could or couldn't have even after reading about it all. I just found it very confusing and took it that I couldn't have any foods I like. I knew I had to change my meats to being lean and grilled and that I needed protein with my carbohydrates but that's about it. Also this week knowing I couldn't just eat what I wanted when I wanted made a certain craving come to surface... Chocolate Cake! Every day it grew stronger and stronger, to the point that I cried because I wanted it so much!

On Monday I  had an appointment at the hospital, I wasn't sure who or what was going to happen just knew we would be there for a min of 2 hours.
We arrived at 1:30pm and shortly after I was called in to have a scan to see Baby Green, we hadn't seen her since our 20 week scan so was very excited. The sonographer
measured Baby Greens head, tummy and legs to check on growth and told us that she weighs about 4lbs and also she is head down which is good.
She also manged to print off a picture for us, apparently they don't always guarantee a picture after 24 weeks due to how big the babies get. So we are glad we managed to get one of her head and you can see a hand, nose and ear.
We were sent back in to the waiting area again and was then called in to see a midwife who took my blood pressure, told me about what gestational diabetes is and asked if I was planning on Breast feeding, I replied with yes which she was very happy with that, but explained that sometimes ladies who have gestational diabetes find it difficult to do so. She informed me that in a later appointment she will show me how to hand express form 37 weeks and show me how to store the colostrum so I have plenty of supply for the first few weeks.
Off I went back into the waiting room and was called in by the Dietitian, she spoke to me about how different foods affects my blood sugar and what foods are good for me and what are bad for me. She also explained that I could still have the foods I love but in smaller portions (so I can have a small bit of cake!). She gave me few a leaflets with meal plans on which helped alot as I can eat more than I had been in the past week. She was very happy with my blood sugar numbers and I went away feeling alot better educated about it all on the diet side of things.
After this I saw two consultant Doctors 1 explained about what having gestational diabetes meant to baby explaining how its common for babies tummies to be larger, but with controlling the diabetes will help keeping it smaller, if her tummy gets too big this will cause complications in delivery and more than likely would have to have a c-section. Also by me keeping control of my numbers will help keep the risk of developing jaundice down, as she has a slightly higher risk of developing it.
so providing I keep my numbers how they are and Baby Green doesn't get too big including her tummy I will be induced at some point between week 39 and 40 (unless she comes on her own before).
I asked if having the diabetes and being induced would have an affect on any birth plans I have, such as a water birth, she informed me providing my blood sugars and baby are ok then they don't see it as a problem but will be something that will have to be discussed a little more nearer then time.
The 2nd doctor just pretty much went over everything the others had gone over and explained when I would be next seen. She also mentioned how Baby Green's tummy is measuring a week or 2 a head but not completely sure if its because of the diabetes or because her dad is really tall and she said to go with the latter as its always best to blame the men. 
She sent me on my way and said to just make my next appointment then we could go home. While stood in the line I herd my name being called which I thought was a bit odd. I told the nurse I was just about to go she said "oh no I need to do a blood test first" (cue sheer panic) we went back in and I think she was being trained and it had to be on me didn't it! She couldn't find a vein, but they still tried and couldn't get anything. They attempted in that arm quite a few times but I had to tell them to stop as it really hurt. At this point the experienced lady did it on the other arm, she struggled to find a vein but got one in the end and got what she needed. So on one arm I'm nicely bruised with two red dots in the middle. Then I was free to go till next time...  :-)

Apart from concentrating on food, I have been getting busy washing all of Baby Green's Bedding, Blankets and clothes. It's such a happy sight to see on the washing line and around the home. Seeing them around the home has made me realise how close we are to meeting our little Missy and I'm so excited! I've started to pack my hospital bag, just need to get a few more bits, I will then start on Baby Green's so its already. 

Myself and James went to see the Fireworks on Sunday at Blue Mountain where we got married and had a lovely evening. I suffered with a bad back from the walking and standing around but it was worth it.